Internet Giant Tencent Announces Training Partnership With AIDF

The future of fintech rests on the successful incubation of the next generation of talent. For its part, multinational technology conglomerate Tencent is investing a great deal in making sure Asia’s future tech leaders are equipped with the best training money can buy. To that end, Tencent is partnering with the Asian Institute of Digital Finance (AIDF).

An organization under the umbrella of the National University of Singapore, AIDF works with banks and fintech firms around the world to offer next-level digital services training, largely through doctoral programs and business incubators. These educational opportunities are in high demand in the Asian market, a hotbed of fintech adoption without parallel—according to ADIF, customer usage of fintech services has doubled in major markets in the last two years alone.

As Tencent is looking to deepen the fintech talent pool in Singapore and beyond, its partnership with AIDF represents a major opportunity to drive innovation and broadly expand access to current financial expertise. As AIDF Executive Director Jin-Chuan Duan claims, “The collaboration will also help advance cutting-edge digital financial technologies, pushing Asia's FinTech frontier forward.”