Despite the ongoing flourishing of fintech startups, many female entrepreneurs have continued to suffer from a lack of access to venture capital. With over $81 billion invested in fintech last year, there should be more than enough to go around. Yet female-led companies still struggle to raise funds.
Entrepreneur Gerry Poirier aims to close that gap and empower the next generation of female business leaders. In a recent interview, Poirier described how AngeLink, the unique women-powered crowdfunding platform that she leads as Chief Executive Officer, is uniquely positioned to connect innovative women to the resources they need to thrive. To date, the company has processed over $1.5 million in donations to women-led startups.
“Many know the statistic that in 2020, female founders earned only 2% of all venture capital,” Poirier said in the interview. “But few know that within the fintech industry, that number was even lower, with only 1% of VC dollars invested in women-led companies. Women control 85% of domestic spending in every country, so there’s never been a better time for fintech powered by women.”