Central Payments and Galileo Financial Technologies Double Down on Processing Partnership

In its position as one of the financial technology world’s leaders in Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS), South Dakota fintech Central Payments has changed the game with its Open*CP Fintech API Marketplace and innovation accelerator Fintech Falls. In large part, it has been able to achieve its mission thanks to payment processing services delivered by one of its partners, fintech Galileo Financial Technologies.

According to an announcement by both companies, this partnership will continue to power Central Payments’ award-winning services into the future. The renewed partnership is expected to maintain Central Payments’ scalable processing capabilities to serve its enterprise clients across the industry.

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“As a leading enabler of BaaS and embedded finance, Galileo, and companies like Central Payments, are transforming the way financial services are delivered,” Seth McGuire, Galileo’s Chief Revenue Officer, said in a press release on the new partnership. “Our API-forward approach and scalable, extensible platform enables innovative brands to build the next generation of financial products to meet customers at their point of need.”