Fintech XTM Seeks to Realize Daily Payouts for Tipped Employees

For all too many employees, the benefits of the fintech revolution have stubbornly remained out of reach. Tipped employees have traditionally suffered from lengthy payout processes, often relying on unwieldly legacy software that keeps them from making the most of their wages.

Cloud banking fintech XTM has dedicated itself to helping this typically overlooked population, by helping to free up their funds to participate more fully in the global economy. With their platform Today Payments, participating businesses can empower service industry workers to access payment for their labor with unprecedented speed in addition to enjoying benefits such as purchase protection and cash-back incentives. XTM has conducted research indicating that its unique payment services can provide incredible benefits to employers, citing a figure indicating that 95% of employees would prefer to work for an employer that offers flexible payments such as what is provided through Today Payments.

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“Automation is key to scaling our business,” said Marilyn Schaffer, CEO, XTM. “We want to do right by every client, and especially for a new brand as broad and deep as this one. We look forward to announcing their brand once they have experienced a few payment cycles. We are up for the challenge as demonstrated by our recent daily peak, which proves our ability to grow quickly.”