Klarna, the buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) giant, has launched a revamped brand identity, Curiously Bold, designed in-house to enhance the shopping experience. While retaining the distinctive pink color, the updated look employs a fresh approach to art direction and motion design. Positioned as an evolution, the brand aims to improve everyday money moments with clarity in financial transactions. The move aligns with the company's transformation into a comprehensive shopping ecosystem, as evidenced by a 14% surge in BNPL usage during the recent US festive season and 27% adoption among UK adults.
Rebecca Jerndahl Tepavac, Klarna's Head of Global Brand, emphasizes the need for a flexible identity across markets, given the company's rapid growth. The creative concept revolves around making magic from the mundane, as reflected in typography and art direction. Klarna's tone of voice combines straight talk with playful wit to provide clarity in financial matters. The shift signifies the company's commitment to enhancing the consumer experience, reflecting its evolution while maintaining the iconic Klarna Pink as a core element.