Dallas, TX

Overall Rank: 58
Category: Insurtech
Category Rank: 6


Bestow is on a mission to increase financial stability for everyone. They partner with top life insurance carriers to deploy cutting-edge technology and data solutions that reduce costs, maximize efficiency, and drive growth by streamlining processes from origination and underwriting through administration.


Key Products

  • New Business: They deliver a clean, seamless, and fully integrated buying experience for agents and customers, allowing their brand to shine with a white-labeled look and feel.

  • Underwriting: Leveraging automation in as many areas of underwriting as possible, we make it easier for underwriters to receive the information they need to issue an accurate, timely decision, and for carriers to launch an instant decision product.

  • Policy Admin & TPA Services: They’ve created a hybrid approach to administering policies with software solutions mixed with BPO services.

  • Intelligence: They supercharge sales channels with actionable insights and data modeling capabilities.

Customer Insights

“This is an entire generation ahead of what we were doing with our direct-to-consumer. Much superior.”  – AVP, Top 20 Life Carrier


“This is the fastest project I have worked on in the last 20 years. Just a testament to how great our teams have worked together.” – Director of Product Management, Top 20 Life Carrier

Key Executives

  • Melbourne O’Banion, CEO & Co-Founder

  • Jonathan Abelmann, President & Co-Founder

  • Lena Chukhno, Chief Revenue Officer   

  • Chris Copeland, Chief Technology Officer 

  • Adam Boender, Chief Product Officer  

  • Bo Hu, GM Growth

  • Claire Martin, Chief Financial Officer 

  • Chris Laia, General Counsel 

  • Jeremy Bill, Chief Insurance Officer


Bestow is backed by

  • 8VC

  • Breyer Capital

  • Core Innovation Capital

  • Valar

  • NEA

  • Morpheus

  • Sammons Financial Group

News and Press Releases

  • February 2024: Tickets and Bugs: 18 Tips for Creating Prioritization Protocols (Read).

  • February 2024: LaSalle Vaughn of Bestow on 5 Things You Need to Be a Highly Effective C-Level Leader of a Fintech Company (Read).

  • January 2024: Meet the Winners: D CEO, Dallas Innovates Honor Top Innovators at 2024 Awards (Read).

To view their full press release, click here.


  • Accenture (ALIP)

  • Oracle (OIPA)

  • Verisk

Corporate Responsibility

  • Bestow is committed to reducing environmental impact. 

  • Bestow’s remote-first approach means reducing their team’s carbon footprint by up to 54%.

  • Digital policies translate to over 4 million sheets of paper saved to date.

  • Bestow’s headquarters in Dallas, Texas, is LEED® Gold certified.