It’s a well-proven truism that the digital revolution has completely transformed all aspects of how human beings do business. By 2022 it’s become possible for a startup to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer the latest breakthroughs to users around the world, all powered by expertly engineered software-as-a-service infrastructure.
If U.K. fintech startup VYZYO has its way, that digital transformation will now achieve another major milestone: fintech-as-a-service. With its one-of-a-kind platform, VYZYO intends to empower traditionally neglected markets around the world to take full advantage of modern financial technologies, delivering not only world-class financial tools but major achievements in equity and social responsibility.
“From our experience, finding the equilibrium between social responsibility and profit will increase demand for services from the underbanked and unbanked,” said VYZYO Founder and Chief Executive Officer VJ Odedra in a recent interview about the platform. “This allows us to improve the livelihoods of customers in these segments, while improving the bottom lines of our partners.”
With the stated mission of helping people in all locations and economic situations access the same high-quality digital finance tools, VYZYO features a cloud-enabled platform-as-a-service and a host of telecom-driven value-added services.